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Meet Our Partners

P1 – University of Central Lancashire Cyprus – Cyprus 

UCLan Cyprus is located in Larnaka, and it is now in its tenth year of operation. It is the first Branch Campus of the University of Central Lancashire and at the same time a fully licensed University in Cyprus. A unique and innovative model of a Cypriot and British University Educational Experience, accredited by the UK Quality Assurance Agency and the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CYQAA) respectively.

Built on strong academic foundations, the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan UK), our mother University, counts more than 190 years of history and is considered among the top 6.5% of all worldwide Universities by the Centre for World University Rankings (CWUR) 2020/21.

UCLan Cyprus operates under the academic umbrella of UCLan UK, and further to the latest political changes of the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union (BREXIT), it is considered a unique University, bridging the UK and Europe in terms of research, academic standards, student experience and student exchange. The completion of studies at UCLan Cyprus will result in a double-awarded degree (two certificates) from the two Universities, UCLan UK and UCLan Cyprus, recognized not only in Cyprus and UK, but also across Europe and beyond.

Our students will also have the advantage of an exceptional student experience in every aspect of their University life, whether it is learning, personal support, facilities, accommodation, employability and social life, as well as personal development.


P2 – Libera Università di Bolzano –Italy    

The Libera Università di Bolzano (UNIBZ) is a young university founded in 1997 as a multilingual, internationally oriented institution. It is a non-state funded public university located at the crossroads between the Italian and the German cultural and economic worlds. Multilingualism and internationality are its main characteristics as shown by the composition of its academic staff (35% of tenured professors and researchers are of international origin) and its exchange programmes with about 150 partner universities all over the world.


This international outlook is a driver of the research activity carried out at UNIBZ to address contemporary challenges while also meeting local interests. In fact, besides teaching and research, another fundamental objective of UNIBZ is to contribute to local development fostering knowledge through collaborations with public institutions and private organisations. UNIBZ is composed of five faculties (Computer Science, Education, Design and Art, Economics and Management, Science and Technology) and 2 Competence Centres with specific research focuses.


Despite its recent foundation, UNIBZ in the past few years has already established itself as an important research institution, both in Italy and abroad. In 2022, for the sixth time in a row, UNIBZ was placed first among the small non state Italian universities (Censis), with the highest score of all Italian universities. At international level (Times Higher Education World University Rankings) it ranked in the band 401-500 out of out almost 1600 institutions worldwide.


P3 – GrantXpert Consulting Ltd – Cyprus

GrantXpert Consulting is a Cypriot-based SME, with a cumulative expertise of more than 25 years in European and National funding programmes. The team has a proven, core expertise in providing training and consulting services to local and EU organisations, and a track-record in implementing research work on entrepreneurial, business and other educational topics.

GrantXpert is also a leader at national level in the development of innovative educational programmes.


The team’s mission is to deliver solutions, stemming from multidisciplinary strategic partnership on an EU level, tackling new European societal, digital & green challenges. The overall vision, is to change and improve EU citizens’ life by implementing EU funded programmes, and maximising their overall impact.


Currently, our network of EU partners consists of more than 800 in all member states, enriched on a continuous basis. GrantXpert currently employs a team of 10 multidisciplinary professionals with a diverse research portfolio. Additionally, the team has a specialisation in the preparation of proposals & their successful implementation, with more than 25 years of combined experience.

GrantXpert has developed core research expertise in the following areas:

  • Entrepreneurship & Start-ups

  • Employability, digital and soft skills

  • Business & Innovation

  • Education & Training

  • Youth

  • Culture

  • Social Inclusion

  • Digital transformation (pedagogical & innovative training approaches)

  • SMEs digital transformation

  • Environment & Circular Economy

  • Policy reform

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P4 – Infinitivity Design Labs – France

IDL is an SME Design & Research studio based in the rural area of the French region of Auvergne, focusing on designing sustainable, meaningful and intrinsically motivating learning experiences, placing education and training in the spotlight of its core mission. The studio is also a French state-registered VET organisation, compliant with official onboarding, delivery and evaluation training standards. 

IDL focuses on the following key activities: (a) Game-Based Learning, (b) Training & E-learning, (c) User Experience & Multimedia Content production and (d) Artificial Intelligence.

The studio provides consulting services around a variety of educational games for mobile devices, desktop computers, motion sensor controls, AR/VR technologies as well as interactive tabletops and surfaces. The studio is behind the LUDUS project award-winning mobile game Ladybug’s Box: Early Childhood Mathematics for tablets, the interactive video crowdsourcing platform ActivePlay and the transmedia project Koders, aiming at promoting a healthy image of coding to young audiences. IDL designs and facilitates playful workshops with participants of various age groups, using digital, physical and outdoor games as tools for learning. 

IDL also specialises in narrative worldbuilding for the Metaverse through the design of transmedia products and services, including comics books, graphic novels, animations, interactive content, video games, and other immersive experiences.


P5 – EUPEA, Luxemburg

EUPEA is a non-profit and Non-Governmental professional Organisation of national Physical Education (PE) Associations. EUPEA promotes PE and School Sport in Europe by working with appropriate Governmental and Non-Governmental Organisations and individual experts and professionals. Membership is open to any legitimate national PE Association in a European country. 


  • Founded in 1991 in Brussels

  • Declaration of Madrid 1991, amended in Brussels 2011urope
    Members in more than 30 countries in Europe

  • “No Education without Physical Education”

  • The umbrella organization of the national Physical Education Associations in E

  • Focus on promotion of and advocacy for Physical Education


EUPEA's vision is to promote and defend Physical Education as an important educational area within the school system and the training of young People. And to guarantee the presence of Physical Education within the curriculum through a continuously adjusted and actualized argumentation and lobby for the position of Physical Education in all countries of Europe.

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