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About the Project

The ePhyLi project aims to promote awareness and activity in health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) environments and the adoption of a healthy lifestyle.

"Physical literacy (PL) is a lifelong journey and can be described as the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life"



Physical Education (PE) teachers and primary school teachers have a catalyst role to play and direct impact in the future generation as part of the PE courses delivery. It is of outmost importance to safeguard that (PE) teachers are knowledgeable and have a complete understanding of the notion of PL, how this can be promoted inside and outside the school environment, but also to become role models themselves for their students.

ePhyLi aims to assess students' understanding of Physical Literacy and how that impact their engagement in sports and Physical activity. Based on this evaluation a gamified digital learning approach will be developed and ePhyLi will provide an appropriate and well-designed training programme to university students who study Physical Education, Sport Pedagogies, Sport and Exercise Science, Primary Education, and related fields, both at an undergraduate and post-graduate level. This training program will give university students open access to learning resources and educational technologies and students will become familiar with digitalized methods of fostering physical literacy, engagement in sport, and physical activity.


ePhyLi’s main Objectives are:

O1: to assess university students’ understanding of PL and how that impacts their engagement in sports and PA. 


O2: to develop methodologies and tools for the promotion of PL within university curricula and training programs through a gamified digital learning approach. 


O3: to increase university students’ knowledge and understanding about PL and educate them on the need for a healthy lifestyle. 


O4: to contribute towards the digital transformation of university curricula and tools that can be used for PL understanding and embracing. 


O5: to facilitate the widespread dissemination and sustainability of the project’s outcomes to the wider EU community and internationally.


Running Shoes

Target Group


The primary target group of this project consists of university students in the fields of Physical Education (PE), Sport and Exercise Science, Sport Pedagogy, and related fields, as well as Primary School Teaching. Beneficiaries of the project are also pre-service and in-service PE teachers and primary school teachers, and higher education staff in these domains (e.g., Primary Education, Sport and Exercise Science, Physical Education) who will have access to the ePhyLi outputs and deliverables and who can use them at all educational levels for informing their own teaching practices in PE. 

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